
I can help you to make the change you desire. Support you with a wide spectrum of techniques: NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression Therapy, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Touch for Health, Energy work, Reiki, Meditation, Affirmations, Mantra and Intuitive Psychic Skills.

Holistic Coaching

Create your best life by mastering the power of mind, body and spirit.


Hypnosis has a vast number of applications and It is widely used to work on everyday issues.

Past Life Regression

The benefits of regression work extend far beyond and create inner peace at all levels.

Spiritual Coaching

Go beyond regression: experience parallel realities and life between lives.

Touch for Health

Offer a safe and effective way to maintain health, enhance well-being and upgrade performance.

Australian Bush Flowers

The Bush Flower Essences are a healing system that anyone can use for themselves.